Enhanced Mechanics
The following are the enhanced rules for opposed challenges, combat and damage. They are not required for play, but certain storylines can be enhanced with them (Delta Nexus, Occultis Mechanica, Aetheria, etc)
Opposed Challenges
NOTE: This is an OPTIONAL use of challenges and not required.
In the RPG Anywhere system, opposed challenges add an exciting element of conflict and competition between players. When two characters engage in an opposed challenge, it means that one character attempts to perform an action while the other character actively opposes or contests it. This adds an interactive and dynamic element to the gameplay, allowing players to directly compete against each other within the framework of the game system. It introduces strategic decision-making, risk assessment, and the thrill of pitting character abilities against one another.
Here's a breakdown of how opposed challenges work in the context of RPG Anywhere:
Triggering an Opposed Challenge: Opposed challenges typically occur when two characters are in direct conflict or opposition, such as engaging in a physical duel, trying to outwit each other in a negotiation, or attempting to sabotage one another's plans. When the situation calls for it, the Storyteller will announce that an opposed challenge is taking place.
Rolling for Success: Both characters involved in the opposed challenge will make a roll using six-sided dice (d6). The number of dice rolled is usually determined by their relevant stats, abilities, and any modifiers applicable to the specific action. Each die represents a potential success.
Counting Successes: After rolling the dice, each player counts the number of successes they have achieved. A "success" is considered when a die roll results in a specific value (5 or 6 is a success). The total number of successes determines the effectiveness or outcome of the character's action. Any roll of a 6 still explodes.
Determining the Winner: The player with the higher number of successes wins the opposed challenge. This means that their character successfully performs the intended action, overcoming the opposition. The outcome of the challenge is then narrated by the Storyteller and the players, taking into account the established circumstances and the level of success achieved.
Consequences of the Opposed Challenge: The results of the opposed challenge may have varying consequences depending on the situation. If the character who initiated the challenge wins, they might achieve their goal, gain an advantage, or weaken their opponent. On the other hand, if they lose, they may face setbacks, fail to achieve their objective, or find themselves at a disadvantage.
To resolve combat situations within the RPGA system, challenges are combined with group actions. Here's a breakdown of how combat, opposed challenges, and group actions work together in RPG Anywhere:
Decide The Actions: Each player decides what their character is going to try and accomplish. The storyteller decides what skills, expertise or modifiers the character has in their dice pool. Typically a character can take two actions per round (move, attack, interaction, special ability, etc.)
The storyteller also decides what the environment/opposition/etc will attempt to accomplish.
Roll for Successes: All players and the storyteller roll to calculate their successes for their actions.
Resolving the Round: the narrate what they are trying to accomplish and how it works based on their successes. The storyteller then concludes the round based on any opposed actions.
For Example (Occultis Mechanica):
Three members of the veil are trying to close an interdimensional portal, they are being thwarted by a malevolent shade entity.
Decide the Action
Dahlia is working to create the ritual to close the portal
Dahlia rolls 4d6 (1 + knowledge + scholar + an Eldritch Book she found)
Eileen and Frederick are trying to distract and fend off the shade so Dahlia can work.
Frederick rolls 4d6 (1 + might+ weaponry + sword)
Eileen rolls 4d6 (1 + Agility + Acrobatics + rope)
Roll For Successes
Dahlia gets 2 successes further creating the ritual design
Eileen gets 2 successes to restrain the creature
Frederick gets zero successes
The large shade entity gets 3 successes.
Resolving the Round
Eileen's 2 successes thwarts two of the shades successes
Frederick fails on his attempt to also stop the shade
The shade (with its third success)attacks Dahlia giving them one physical or mental damage - depending on the shades attack type
Health and Damage
Depending on the world setting, Characters may have two types of damage: Physical and Psychological. If a character suffers enough of one type of damage, they gain a more severe injury (Physical Damage becomes a Physical Condition while Psychological Damage becomes a Psychological Condition. Each wound represents escalating severity of injuries and can hamper the effectiveness (or mental stability ) of a character. The accumulation of damage has various effects on the character's abilities and overall well-being. It may result in decreased combat effectiveness, impaired movement, or penalties to other actions, as determined by the Storyteller based on the severity of the injuries. Additionally, the level of success achieved in combat can determine the damage amount to the opposing character.
Here's a breakdown of how the damage system works:
Inflicting Damage in Combat Challenges: During combat, each level of success higher than the opponents defense results in a point of damage being inflicted on the opposing character. For example, if Character A achieves two more successes than Character B, Character B would suffer two points of damage as a result.
Progression of Damage: As the character accumulates damage, the damage can escalate. Specifically, when a character receives four (4) damage, they receive an condition.
Compounded Conditions: Each condition received escalates on a scaled table. First condition: Table 1, Second condition: Table 2, etc.)
Debilitating Conditions: Once a character has accumulated 3 conditions they are considered on the brink of death or insane. Three conditions is equal to 12 damage of one type. At this point, they are physically unable to continue participating or may actively begin to hamper / derail the investigation (sabotage, violence, etc.)
Healing and Recovery: To recover from damage and conditions, characters may require healing abilities, rest, or magical/professional intervention. The healing process aims to reduce the accumulated damage, gradually heal conditions, and hopefully allowing the character to regain their full capabilities.
Remember, the specific mechanics for healing and recovery, as well as the modifiers and consequences associated with different levels of damage, can be further customized within the system to align with your desired level of detail and game balance.
Why Damage — and not Hit Points or Health?
The reason behind this decision is to focus more on immersive storytelling rather than complex mathematical calculations during combat encounters.
Instead of tracking specific numeric values for health and attack power, your character's resilience is represented by physical and psychological damage. Damage serves as a measure of how much your character can withstand before being incapacitated, defeated or losing their mind. Think of it as a way to gauge your character's overall well-being and ability to keep on keepin' on.
As you face challenges and engage in scenarios, your character may suffer damage. This damage accumulate as the battle progresses, reflecting the toll taken on their physical and mental endurance. The severity of a damage depends on the narrative context and the outcomes of the challenges you face.
For example, if you encounter a particularly dangerous enemy or fail to defend against an opponent's powerful attack, you may suffer a significant amount of damage. On the other hand, if you successfully defend yourself or avoid certain hazards, you may come away with no damage.
By using this damage concept, we aim to encourage more dynamic and narrative-driven gameplay. It allows you to focus on the story, character interactions, and the dramatic moments that unfold during your adventures. Rather than worrying about specific numeric values, we can collectively shape the outcome of battles and challenges based on the narrative and the actions of your characters.
Remember, the goal of RPG Anywhere is to ignite your imagination and create memorable stories together. So, embrace the concept of damage and conditions as a measure of your character's resilience, and let the narrative guide your adventures in this exciting and flexible role-playing system.
Having said all of that.. you can convert the system to use those variables if you so desire.. We won't be offended.
(or will we?)